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Dude. I’ve been neglecting my blog, journals and notebooks for a month now. One month of living in absolute blissland named Kiwiburn and falling deeply in the heart shaped rabbit hole that is love. Holy shit. It’s true what they say, happiness writes a blank page.

But when your loved ones fly home to South Africa and Australia, it’s time to fill up those pages and write an entire book of stories to share. So much has happened I don’t even know where to start. You know that feeling: a lifetime happens in just three weeks. Feeling so at home somewhere, meeting dear friends, falling in love, frolicking around in my wedding dress, getting married all over the place.

A van packed full of colours, little love notes and this man playing sweet tunes ready for a dream of a road trip around the north island. We stopped at every body of water for skinny dips, read poems under big trees and melted into each other as the moon rose.

As a shiny cherry on top of all this lushness, my fabulous friend Gemma flew over from Brisbane and joined us for the trip of a lifetime. Everything became even more sparkly and loved up as we found the perfect wedding dresses and celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary at the Bridal Veil Falls.

It all still feels like a dream and I’m definitely not ready to wake up. Every day was pure magic, the nights covered in stars. Driving for hours on end along oceanside freedom, taking salty dips then washing off the sweat under waterfalls. Nag champa, freshly rolled joints and fried garlic creating the scent of a holiday soaked in loving bliss. We would spend afternoons painting on silky rocks, singing songs, taking mental pictures wishing these days would last forever.

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