Hello again! It’s me, your ultimate procrastination queen, writing to you from under the pink Valencian skies while Prince is blasting over the dishwashers noise. Keeping it real. Aaaahh I feel like a huge exhale because WE MADE IT OUT OF 2024 HALLELUJAH. Seeing friends and family in December, hearing the same words of relief at every Christmas gathering: thank goodness this year has come to an end! Bring on 2025, and please let it be a good one!
It’s quite funny how we always hope the new year will bring fresh, new, shiny, good things. By the time January comes around, the old year has been lived through and through until it’s all worn out. Like an old T-shirt hanging on for dear life by the few leftover seams. I’m definitely one of those new years dreamers. I took my sweet time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for this one as soon as I got back home to Valencia.
I’ve been using the pages of YearCompass for 4 years now and I love it, as they ask all the right questions. For the first prompt I was asked to go through last years’ calendar and write down all the special events, gatherings, beautiful moments. I wrote and wrote and needed more than one page because holyyy there has actually been so many good times. Little things that felt huge. More quality time spent with family, deeper connections with friends and next level relationship situations. All within the year I thought was pretty shit.
In general it felt like a hard year, but looking up close, it was filled with love and beauty. A fresh appreciation for 2024 was born in the moment I wrote down all moments of sweetness spent in that rag of a year. I also love to set intentions for the new year. Mostly fun stuff, as I feel I'm being way too hard on myself already. Acknowledging and celebrating the part of me that's completely made up of whimsy, I’ve been fuelling this with resolutions like reading lots of good books (2023), watching lots of good movies (2024) and listening to lots of good music (2025). Such an upside down but sweet and delicious journey to prioritise joy when the world feels grey most of the time.