I can’t seem to get any other sound out of my mouth, life has just been so damn DELICIOUS. The taste of Spanish words in my ears, sweet wine on my tongue, finger-licking lunches lasting all afternoon sending me off to siesta land until it’s time to go out and dance. Also, I’ve had family around almost constantly, which has been so nice. It feels like I’ve been living here for years already. It’s great! Highly recommended.
My cousin Stina (famous for her magical illustrations in our book Poison Ivy) came to visit me – well, actually she booked her trip long before I decided to move here, so she didn’t exactly come over to visit me as much as the city, but I’m here now so we played homies for one week. One long sleepover party! Days were spent catching up over coffees in the sun, sightseeing like real tourists, photo galore and getting loud and enthuastic on inspiration as we were bouncing ideas off each other. When you find a fellow creative soul, it’s hard not to spark each others flames, right?!
That’s how we created Poison Ivy, and that’s pretty much how we talk. Fueled with creative excitement. I told her about the book/course The Artist’s Way and we made it our mission to find a copy in one of the gazillion Valencian bookstores. Piles and shelves of Spanish books everywhere, but not much luck finding English ones. Until! One evening we went to the beach for sunset before our reggaeton class (yep) and bumped into the gates of actual heaven in the shape of an epic little bookshop and cosy cafe.
We walked out with two second hand copies and a big smile on our faces, dancing to reggaeton until we were covered in bruises (floorwork is work) so we could go home to our PJ’s and watch Beyoncé videos all night long. This too is a part of the spiritual path to creativity according to The Artist’s Way. Or at least, according to me. Surround yourself with muses, dahlin'! And be your own, also a goodie.
One of my muses is of course Queen B. This one always gets me. Insert frown, pout lips and say “uuuufffffff”. Exactly. This woman is a vibe. She has a song for every mood I tell ya. Like when I’m getting ready for a date this is on the playlist. But then, when plans change because it’s raining – in Spain, plans change when it’s raining. Like people don’t want to leave their houses. If this were Belgium we would be locked down for life – I switch to Lizzo and crank this up. Do my hair toss, check my nails and get out into the moonlight wearing my favourite heels for the first time since moving to Spain. Usually I don’t like towering over people but when I take myself out I don’t care.
Taking yourself out on dates is important, says Julia Cameron (author of The Artist’s Way). So I took my new treasured poetry book by Skye Ayla Mallac with me and devoured the delicious words in a hungry yet slowly savouringly sipping way. This book! Sent all the way from South Africa to Spain to join me on my artist date and set my heart on fire. I love the men in my life, but babygiiiiiiiiiirl these women!!! So many epic women inspiring me on the daily. Can’t wait to celebrate all these badass babes today and every day. And tomorrow, an extra big birthday celebration in Valencia for the most goddess muse of all, la mama!